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Grilled Potatoes

David Skarin

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

Everything seems to taste better cooked on a grill, even potatoes! I grew up eating potatoes and they make a regular appearance at my family’s dinner table still. I’ve cooked large Russet potatoes on the grill but never smaller potatoes like these yellow and purple potatoes. I wanted to try something new so I figured I’d give these a try.

These came out awesome! I was extremely pleased with the crunchiness on the outside and the creaminess on the inside. My entire family devoured these in minutes and were commenting how good the char from the grill added a new flavor dimension. This are a must try!


Fast Facts

Category: Sides & Appetizers, Vegetables

Weight: 2 Pounds

Heat Source: Gas

Estimated Cook Time: 20 Minutes (10 minutes for the boil and 10 minutes on the grill)

Actual Cook Time: 20 Minutes

Estimated Cooking Temperature: 500 degrees

Actual Cooking Temperature: 500 degrees

Cook Date: August 18, 2020


Ingredient List

  • 2 pounds small to medium potatoes. I used yellow and purple for this cook.

  • Santa Maria Seasoning (Sea salt and pepper works as well or you can buy this)

  • Olive oil

Supply List



Step 1: The first step is to parboil the potatoes. Place the potatoes in a large pot, cover with cold water by an inch, add in around a teaspoon or two of sea salt, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce to a simmer and cook uncovered for roughly 10 minutes. You want a fork to be able to penetrate the potatoes but you want them to still be a little firm.

Note: Parboiling is to slightly cook something by boiling. We use this step to get the potatoes a little tender before going on the grill. We only want a partial cook as they will finish on the grill.

Step 2: Drain the potatoes and cool under lukewarm water. Once they are cool enough to be handled, cut in half length wise to provide the most amount of surface for the grill.

Step 3: Pre-heat your grill to high heat. We are looking for 450-500 degrees.

Step 4: Place your halved potatoes in a mixing bowl and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Note: Although Santa Maria Seasoning is the recipe, feel free to get adventurous here with seasonings. If you want some heat, add some cayenne. I’ve you want some citrus, put some lemon juice in. If you want to use just salt and pepper, that works too. The options are endless!

Step 5: Place directly on grill, ideally halved side down so you know which ones you have flipped already. Grill halved side down 5 minutes, flip and grill an additional 5 minutes.

Step 6: Remove from grill, top with some more salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.



Lessons Learned (Note: I will add additional lessons learned from our community members through comments on the site or social media)

  • Don’t use too small of potatoes as they will fall through the grate on your grill. You can use a BBQ vegetable grate if necessary.


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